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Is a Private Education Right For Your Child?



When it comes to receiving an education, most parents choose to send their children to a public school. Public schools are available virtually everywhere, and most parents believe that these institutions offer a quality education. While it's true that most public schools do offer an education, some parents, however, question the quality. Public schools are often overcrowded, and as a result, teachers do not have the ability to offer individual attention to each student. Additionally, the overcrowding issue can sometimes lead to inattentiveness and classroom disruptions, as well as behavior problems.

Furthermore, some parents are concerned about the curriculum being taught in public schools. Such schools are governed by the Department of Education, and as a result, each school must teach the same information in the same way. This is a cause for concern among some parents, as they may wish for their child to be offered a variety of other information or teaching methods.

Thankfully, parents have an alternative to public education: private schools. Private schools are schools which do not fall under the rule of the Department of Education, and they can generally offer information and classes which are not offered at a public school, including religious material. These institutions are also known for using nontraditional methods of teaching, including the Montessori Method. Private schools are typically funded by the parents of attending students, but they may also receive funds from donations and fundraising.

One of the key benefits of a private education is smaller class sizes. Studies have shown that students who receive individual attention in school tend to absorb material faster and more effectively. Smaller class sizes generally mean that teachers will be able to spend more time working with each individual student to help them learn in their own way. Smaller class sizes also mean less of a chance for disruption.

Another benefit to private schools is that parents have more say in how the school is run. While public schools routinely offer parents the chance to attend PTA meetings, the school itself is still governed by the Department of Education. At a private institution, parents are paying the bills, so they can typically have more of a voice in discussing how things are done.

Other parents choose a private education for their children for religious purposes. Some private education institutions focus primarily on one faith or one specific denomination within a faith. These schools generally teach core subjects which are found in public schools, but they tailor lesson plans to include a religious focus. Some religious private institutions also teach classes and offer diploma programs which center around a specific religious theme.

Regardless of the reason for attending, most people agree that private education establishments offer a much more substantial education when compared to public schools. If you're interested in learning more, you may want to contact private education institutions in your area to discuss your options. Some schools may offer financing and scholarship assistance, while others may have certain academic requirements for admission.

One of the best private schools in Toronto, offers a balanced curriculum from Pre-K to grade 12. The staff at our Toronto independent high school are dedicated to developing the child - academically and socially. Hudson College 21 Ascot Avenue, Toronto, ON M6E 1E6 (416) 631-0082


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